These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Eldorado Park, Soweto. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
Tutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
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35 Hours Tutored
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I received 80% or above for Afrikaans FAL my entire school career. I taught the language to learners at Lancea Vale Secondary School for three months as a Student Governing Body Teacher. I also volunteer as an Afrikaans tutor for the Shake A Hand Foundation.
Tutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
Tutor in Eldorado Park, Soweto
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I am a professional and highly accomplished Afrikaans teacher with an exemplary Afrikaans service and teaching record. Committed to the promotion of multicultural awareness and bilingualism as the cornerstones of quality Education.
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Tutor in Breaunanda, Krugersdorp
Tutor in Breaunanda, Krugersdorp
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348 Hours Tutored
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I grew up in a family that speaks Afrikaans all the time. I love the sound of the language but recognize the difficulties learning the language presents. I am very patient in teaching the language and know useful tricks for learning the language better.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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1722 Hours Tutored
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Having Afrikaans as my home language has increased my knowledge of the language tremendously. I was top in my Grade for Afrikaans from Gr8 to Gr12 and I have competed in numerous Afrikaans poetry and monologue competitions where I was awarded top achiever.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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470 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy Afrikaans and performed very well in it throughout my Primary School and High School career.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Johannesburg
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303 Hours Tutored
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I have an Afrikaans exercise book that gives step by step instructions in English on how to structurally write in Afrikaans. I am able to understand, write and present Afrikaans speeches and I got notes of the different Afrikaans books.
Tutor in Lenasia, Gauteng
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458 Hours Tutored
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I achieved 90% in Afrikaans in grade 12. I have experience tutoring grade 1 to grade 9 Afrikaans. I use reading and understanding as my teaching technique.
Tutor in Florida Park, Roodepoort
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623 Hours Tutored
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I am a 20 year old student, studying IT. I am fluent in Afrikaans and English. Therefore, I can tutor both Afrikaans and English student and understand their needs.
Tutor in Bergbron, Randburg
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310 Hours Tutored
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I grew up with a mother and grandmother who speak the language amongst each other and had to quickly learn to understand. I am able to teach Afrikaans First Additional Language. I enjoyed the subject throughout school.
Tutor in Kempton Park NU, Benoni
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323 Hours Tutored
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I was raised both English and Afrikaans, thus I am able to translate Afrikaans words and explain more effectively to English students. I have been tutoring in this subject for the last 4 years to both primary school and high school students.
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