These are the Highest Quality Art History Tutors in Cape Town. Get Art History Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Art History tutorTutor in Belle Constantia, Cape Town
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15 Hours Tutored
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I was very good at Art History in high school and I am confident that I can help individuals struggling with Art essay writing.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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20 Hours Tutored
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Having excelled in this arena in high school, as well as pursuing it in my tertiary education as part of my BA.Fine Arts I have an extensive affinity for this subject.
Tutor in Newlands, Cape Town
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11 Hours Tutored
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I am both a talented artist and art history scholar, with particular skill in art history essays owing to my classical and literary university training.
Tutor in Bishopscourt, Cape Town
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15 Hours Tutored
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I am able to help students with interpretational skills of artworks, structuring essays and study methods for tests and exams. I have been doing the subject since grade 9 and have achieved an average of 80% or more since.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
21 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed this subject very much at school and did a year of it at university. It is something I enjoy as I am lover of art. I feel I can tutor this subject as I passed well in Matric and have a good understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
20 Hours Tutored
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Art is one of my passions. I achieved 100% in final Matric exam, and I am still studying Art History in University.
Tutor in Belhar 17, Cape Town
Tutor in Belhar 17, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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I'm more than willing to help you study for the theory section of visual art and come up with study techniques that work for you.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
24 Hours Tutored
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Art History was one of my favorite subjects and it is something I am very passionate about. I would be very enthusiastic while teaching it. In addition, I was very good at it and won the art history prize at my school.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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18 Hours Tutored
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I achieved 89% for Visual Art in my Matric IEB results and am currently in my third year at UCT majoring in Art Theory. I am passionate and well-read on the subject and have been fortunate enough to visit some of the top galleries in the world.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
32 Hours Tutored
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I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. I double majored in film production and screenwriting. I am a lover of all things Art, and have curated portrait exhibitions.
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