Highest Quality Business Studies Tutors in Brixton, Johannesburg. Get Business Studies Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Business Studies tutorTutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
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I did well in the subject and I did Business Management in university.
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
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I pursued Business Studies for 3 years in high school. I am currently doing a BCom Accounting Extended degree, and have pursued numerous advanced modules as part of my studies.
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
Tutor in Brixton, Johannesburg
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I am a person who believes that one cannot think out of the box because there is no box at all and our thinking capacity is not limited. I have tutored business studies from grade 10 to Grade 12.
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Tutor in Windsor West, Randburg
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312 Hours Tutored
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I am a qualified teacher.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Johannesburg
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303 Hours Tutored
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I loved Business when I was in school, I was able to take business concepts and relate it to everyday situations. I used different techniques to help me memorize business formulas, steps and ideas.
Tutor in Radiokop, Roodepoort
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721 Hours Tutored
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I love Business. It was my favorite subject and I see business as a story book that I want to tell any student that needs help. I am currently a student at Varsity College and excel in business that they teach us. I used to teach the students in highschool in my spare time.
Tutor in Roodepoort, Gauteng
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473 Hours Tutored
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I have been teaching high school subjects for the past 10 years at a remedial school grade 7-12. I studied Business Management until 4th year university.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
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286 Hours Tutored
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I gained the tutoring experience by assisting students in lower grades in highschool and after. I find it easy to explain business studies concepts as they are a part of my everyday life.
Tutor in Randpark Ridge, Randburg
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297 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a WITS engineering student who has a great understanding of mathematics, science and business studies. I am a very friendly and patient person who would love to help students get a better understanding of certain concepts in order to achieve better results.
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