Highest Quality Civil Engineering Maths Tutors in Beverley AH, Sandton. Get Civil Engineering Maths Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Civil Engineering Maths tutorTutor in Beverley AH, Sandton
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519 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy solving mathematical problems. I scored a distinction on this subject. I helped hundreds of tutees that in the end, achieved good grades back in varsity. This subject helped me to graduate with CUM LAUDE.
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Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
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Mathematics is fun, and this has always been my belief. I desire to make learners find fun in mathematics, and through my teaching skills, learners will easily discover that mathematics is already in them.
Tutor in Auckland Park, Johannesburg
Tutor in Auckland Park, Johannesburg
97 Hours Tutored
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Engineering is a fascinating subject in which I have excelled. I would love to assist students in learning the correct techniques to develop summaries and answer questions to boost their performance with Civil Engineering Mathematics modules.
Tutor in Grand Central, Midrand
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4739 Hours Tutored
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I tutored 1st year Mathematics between 2011 and 2012 while I was at Wits University. Furthermore, I am currently tutoring 2 1st year Wits - Chemical Engineering students, of whom they reached out to me through a mutual friend based on my reputation.
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
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I have over seven years of teaching experience in mathematics and have also undergone soft-skill training. As a result, I have learned how to take advantage of students' emotional and social states to help them achieve maximum academic performance in mathematics.
Tutor in Randburg, Gauteng
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1194 Hours Tutored
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I have over 6 years experience in tutoring students both in high and undergraduate level. Math came naturally to me in high school and I have enjoyed teaching it to other students and helping them excel.
Tutor in Westdene, Johannesburg
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185 Hours Tutored
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I am a veteran in teaching Mathematics for undergraduate students. I think instinctively with numbers and use practical scenarios to explain abstract Mathematical concepts. Students who learn under me are stimulated to stab their respective phobia and face the joyful task of exploring questions.
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6121 Hours Tutored
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With a strong understanding of Civil Engineering Maths and exceptional problem-solving abilities, I am driven to empower learners with valuable insights and the confidence to approach the subject with enthusiasm.
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335 Hours Tutored
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I did a number of maths courses offered to Civil Engineering students such as continuum mechanics, finite elements and advanced finite elements. As well as this my Masters dissertation was done with Dr Skatulla from Civil Engineering. I have tutored the postgrad continuum mechanics course at UCT.
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223 Hours Tutored
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I possess a strong understanding of the subject, an A on University level Mathematics (NQF6), effective communication, patience, creativity, problem-solving, adaptability, and a positive attitude. My experience helps me establish credibility with students.
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