Highest Quality Business Management Tutors in Western Cape. Get Business Management Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Business Management tutorTutor in Glenwood, Cape Town
Tutor in Glenwood, Cape Town
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I have been tutoring business management for 2 years and this allows me to understand my students challenges better. I want to share the study methods that have worked for me and help students achieve their best.
Tutor in Delft, Cape Town
Tutor in Delft, Cape Town
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I obtained the best student award during my study period at the University. I facilitated tutorial sessions in Business Management 2 during 2016 Academic year. I always passed the subject with a Distinction. I understand the subject's content.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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The key to Business Management is understanding and applying the theory to practical real-life scenarios. I can help students learn how to do this, while simultaneously developing the necessary essay-writing and problem-solving skills they need to excel in this subject.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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I have a PhD in Governance and Management. I am a qualified teacher with 14 years teaching experience in Higher and Further Education. I have the knowledge and expertise to tutor on the following university courses or modules: Research Methodology; GMAT; MBA; Politics; Economics; Sociology; EAP
Tutor in Glentana, Groot Brakrivier
Tutor in Glentana, Groot Brakrivier
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I have 8 years of teaching this subject. I am very passionate about this subject and love the content which makes it quite easy for me to explain it to students in a manner they will find interesting. I've excelled in this subject as a student and would love the opportunity to share my knowledge.
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Subjects offered in Western Cape
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