Highest Quality Foundation Phase- Numeracy Tutors in Chrisville, Johannesburg South. Get Foundation Phase- Numeracy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Foundation Phase- Numeracy tutorTutor in Chrisville, Johannesburg South
12 Hours Tutored
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I am studying to become a Foundation Phase teacher. Mathematics can be daunting to many learners. I help learners to grasp basic concepts which builds a solid foundation for more difficult and abstract concepts.
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Tutor in Brackendowns, Alberton
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65 Hours Tutored
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I have teaching experience in this subject and have produced some of the best Maths learners in my school. During the Covid 19 pandemic I taught Mathematics Grade 7. I have the experience in this subject.
Tutor in Lenasia, Gauteng
Tutor in Lenasia, Gauteng
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I possess strong math skills and knowledge and will be able to communicate math principles effectively with my students. I have the necessary patience and understanding to promote students' critical thinking skills and I am able to utilize math in everyday life examples.
Tutor in Townsview, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Townsview, Johannesburg South
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53 Hours Tutored
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Mathematics plays a vital role in our everyday life. Unfortunately Mathematics is feared by most students across the globe. I am passionate about laying a solid foundation in Numeracy to help students with Mathematics in higher grades.
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398 Hours Tutored
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I am good with Mathematical terms and I have thorough experience in tutoring my younger sibling in this subject.
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361 Hours Tutored
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I have assisted numerous learners with this subject, and I have the patience to deal with younger learners.
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792 Hours Tutored
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I believe that your junior years create the foundation for the rest of your years to come, therefore I would like to help others to build a solid foundation in this subject.
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972 Hours Tutored
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I have taught learners from Grade R - Grade 4 Numeracy and how to remember their work and a better way of organising.
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475 Hours Tutored
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As a qualified teacher. I have extensive experience assisting foundation phase learners with Numeracy and all aspects of it. I have taught various learners from a variety of different backgrounds with varying ranges of understanding.
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366 Hours Tutored
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I work with Foundation Phase (Grade 0-3) children on a daily basis in occupational therapy; assisting with formations, writing etc. I enjoy assisting them in achieving the foundational skills necessary to thrive academically. I am in the process of qualifying as a teacher for grade 0-3.
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