Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Brackendowns, Alberton. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Orientation tutorTutor in Brackendowns, Alberton
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65 Hours Tutored
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I teach Life skills in the Foundation Phase (currently). I also have taught Life Orientation classes during my practicals (2017). I also obtained a distinction for this subject in Matric.
Tutor in Brackendowns, Alberton
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183 Hours Tutored
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I find Life Orientation very relevant and practical in our day to day lives as it addresses real life issues.-especially socially issues. I did not struggle with this subject in high school and always came out with flying colors.
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Tutor in Mondeor, Johannesburg South
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82 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a distinction in this subject and I enjoy embracing life skills and mentoring in this subject
Tutor in Alberante, Alberton
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425 Hours Tutored
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I relate real world situations to work with what you need to learn and make it easier for you.
Tutor in Turffontein, Johannnesburg
Tutor in Turffontein, Johannnesburg
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I would like to help others to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the core concepts and a passion for the subject.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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1722 Hours Tutored
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I achieved 85% in my Matric year and I am confident in my ability to assist.
Tutor in Eikenhof, Gauteng
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47 Hours Tutored
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I found this subject very easy and did very well. I will be able to help other students with this subject with ease.
Tutor in South Crest, Alberton
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134 Hours Tutored
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I believe that Life Orientation becomes an easy subject once you understand the tips, tricks, and what is required of you in your assignments. I consistently received distinctions for LO and I believe that, with my experience, I am able to help other students achieve this too.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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329 Hours Tutored
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Many students think they don’t need to study this subject, but it is a requirement to do well. I can help students identify the information needed for tests and exams.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Johannesburg South
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I did well I’m life orientation in school and I think it is a very engageful subject that encourages learners to think outside the box
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