These are the Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Pinetown. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Life Orientation tutorTutor in Pinelands, Pinetown
Tutor in Pinelands, Pinetown
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I strongly believe that anything is possible with a positive mindset. I have a passion for helping people obtain and express the best aspects of themselves. I have obtained my National Senior Certificate and a bachelors’ degree pass with a distinction in Life Orientation.
Tutor in Acorn, Pinetown
Tutor in Acorn, Pinetown
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I only did Life Orientation in high school but it was always enjoyable, sharing my knowledge with my learners will be nothing but an honor.
Tutor in Fields Hill, Pinetown
Tutor in Fields Hill, Pinetown
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I possess competencies such as technical competencies including computer literacy, online database, Microsoft Office. I also possess good communication skills, interpersonal skills, research skills, leadership skills and adhere to detail. That’s why I work well with people from different spheres.
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
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I enjoy Life Orientation as it allows me to develop and teach the learner life skills that they could grow with them.
Tutor in New Germany, Pinetown
Tutor in New Germany, Pinetown
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Life skills is an easy fun subject that with the right learning tricks we can master easily! Great to learn general knowledge and learn about things to do with our life daily.
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1651 Hours Tutored
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Skilled at teaching and training in areas of socio-economic contexts, societal transformation, legislation and support services, career pathing and ongoing professional development. Confidence building and self-awareness of self and others.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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With a patient demeanour and a proven track record, I bring expertise in teaching Life Orientation to learners. My goal is to inspire personal development and equip students with essential life skills, setting them on a path to success.
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1720 Hours Tutored
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Life orientation is very important in high school. It teaches every student valuable life skills which they will take into their everyday lives.
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1998 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation is one of the most interesting school subjects and is ever-changing. I think it's essential to teach kids about life from an early age and help them understand the key concepts.
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1900 Hours Tutored
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Life Orientation is a crucial subject in your whole school year. Struggling to grab the concepts? I am more than willing to help you with it!
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