Highest Quality Mathematics Literacy Tutors in Sand Stone, Centurion. Get Mathematics Literacy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Mathematics Literacy tutorTutor in Sand Stone, Centurion
Tutor in Sand Stone, Centurion
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I have been a qualified teacher since 2019. I have experience in teaching mathematics grades 4-7 and Mathematical Literacy grades 10-12. I enjoy working with children and I find joy when they realize that mathematics is not difficult; it just needs a correct method and basic skills
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Tutor in City and Suburban, Johannesburg
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410 Hours Tutored
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Maths Literacy is a subject that I love deeply, it provides a practical application of mathematics. I was deeply drawn to Maths Literacy as I previously struggled to understand the abstract nature of Pure Maths. I intend cultivating an environment for alternative thinkers through my tutoring.
Tutor in Parkrand, Boksburg
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139 Hours Tutored
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I have previously tutored this subject, and the students I was tutoring passed their exams with exceptional results.
Tutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
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105 Hours Tutored
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Having changed to Mathematical Literacy at the start of Grade 11 and experiencing a sudden mark improvement, I firmly believe that I possess the mind and skillset necessary to tackle the challenges this subject presents. I equip the learner with the confidence that math should not be intimidating.
Tutor in Country View, Midrand
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883 Hours Tutored
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Striving for Excellence: A Journey from Mathematics Distinction to Success. Embrace diligence and believe in your potential; with dedication, your goals become attainable.
Tutor in Kosmosdal, Pretoria
Tutor in Kosmosdal, Pretoria
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373 Hours Tutored
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I am a professional teacher in South Africa and have taught grade 10-11 Mathematical literacy. I am passionate about teaching and helping learners reach their academic goals. I would love to continue doing so.
Tutor in Highveld, Centurion
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105 Hours Tutored
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I have completed Mathematics on School and Tertiary Level (BSc Aeronautical Engineering) and understand both the theory and real world applications.
Tutor in Riverglen, Midrand
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99 Hours Tutored
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I understand the way the subject is assessed and able to work through problems with students with ease. I also have a good understanding of the theoretical elements of Maths Lit which can help students strengthen their understanding and reach their goals!
Tutor in Johannesburg North, Randburg
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216 Hours Tutored
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Although Mathematics is a subject many students get frustrated with, it is more applicable to everyday life than they might think. Understanding and excelling at Mathematics is as easy as finding the right key to your lock.
Tutor in Rua Vista, Centurion
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441 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction of 90% for Mathematical Literacy in Grade 12. I had increased my marks from 40% in grade 10 to 90% in my matric finals and I had learned skills on how to improve marks and think sharply. I would love to help other students achieve similar improvements.
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