These are the Highest Quality Mathematics Tutors in Pretoria. Get Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Mathematics tutorTutor in Equestria, Pretoria
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44 Hours Tutored
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I love to tutor math. I was a math tutor for the first year during my studies in Engineering. I do believe in ensuring the student fully understand the math and not merely memorize a formula.
Tutor in Silver Lakes, Pretoria
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50 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed Mathematics in school, and am currently doing my 2nd year Bachelor of Information Technology at UP.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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48 Hours Tutored
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As a Mathematics teacher, my experience is grounded in a deep understanding of mathematical concepts across various levels. My experience includes working with students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles, tailoring my approach to meet their individual needs.
Tutor in Koedoespoort 456-Jr, Pretoria
52 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a 98% aptitude for mathematics and analytical thinking. I am currently studying towards a degree in Actuarial Science at the University of Pretoria.
Tutor in Moreleta Park, Pretoria
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71 Hours Tutored
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Even though I did not get a distinction in this subject, it was one of my main subjects I studied to teach to primary school learners. I know the primary school syllabus very well and know how to use creative techniques to help the learner.
Tutor in Monument Park, Pretoria
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40 Hours Tutored
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I am a quick learner and easily understand the concepts that I am taught. I will be able to help learners to understand these concepts and apply them in various exercises.
Tutor in Erasmuskloof, Pretoria
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41 Hours Tutored
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Ek het matriek Wiskunde met 79% geslaag, maar ek sal verkies om vir laer grade te verduidelik. Ek sal eerder wil seker maak die fondasies van die konsepte is korrek voordat ek probeer om die moeiliker probleme aan te spreek.
Tutor in Waterkloof, Pretoria
78 Hours Tutored
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I am a Chemical Engineering student at the University of Pretoria currently on a gap year. I am a patient individual who is passionate about what he does and is motivated by learners reaching their set goals and full potential.
Tutor in Moreleta Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Moreleta Park, Pretoria
45 Hours Tutored
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I have 6 years of experience tutoring Mathematics with many different students all with various different problems that have needed to be addressed.
Tutor in Groenkloof, Pretoria
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60 Hours Tutored
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I have a BSc Actuarial Science degree (Cum Laude) and I'm currently halfway with a MSc Statistics degree. In high school, I got 96% for Additional Maths.
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