Highest Quality Quantitive Methods Tutors in Lwandle, Cape Town. Get Quantitive Methods Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Lwandle, Cape Town
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I had A in Quantitative Method at the university as and I also love mathematics. I have a deep understanding of the subject which, when combined with patience I believe will help the student excel.
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67 Hours Tutored
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I came top of the class in the MAM courses. I enjoy teaching the quantitative methods both with and without excel. I received a distinction for the second year PSY research course, that uses these methods. In addition, I am currently tutoring third year Research in Psychology.
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An outstanding tutor I am, I am the ideal person to assist you in taking your academic performance, self-esteem and comprehension to the next level because of my unparalleled passion for educating others. Let's achieve your academic goals.
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129 Hours Tutored
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Proficient in research and quantitative methods, I empower students with tools for data-driven insights, enhancing online effectiveness and student engagement.
526 Hours Tutored
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I have Mathematical ability to assist the learner with quantitative techniques.
10 Hours Tutored
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I offer both lecturing and tutoring services for this module. I offer both online and face to face tutoring.
53 Hours Tutored
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I have more than 10 years of experience in quantitative research and data analysis. My main duties were protocol preparation, questionnaire development, training of data collectors, data analysis, and reporting. I am also good with software packages like Stata and SPSS.
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Project misunderstanding/double checking and help with assignments are welcome. I can also help with notes for examination/working through examination papers and preparation for examination
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