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Get a tutorTutor in Clarina, Akasia
Tutor in Clarina, Akasia
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I am a hardworking student and aim to share such sentiments with fellow students to ensure that they end up dancing with the stars and become the best version of themselves.
Tutor in Hartebeesthoek 303-Jr, Akasia
Tutor in Hartebeesthoek 303-Jr, Akasia
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I am very patient but lead with firm discipline, and I'm very organised and time conscious. I am a communicator who pays attention to detail and am strong at keeping records.
Tutor in Amandasig, Akasia
Tutor in Amandasig, Akasia
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I am qualified Chemical Engineering. I have a passion for Mathematics and in my spare time, I tutor my nieces mathematics and natural science.
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Subjects offered in Akasia