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Tutor in Themb'Elihle, Lenasia
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I am a passionate individual who enjoys working with the youth of today. I am a dedicated and goal-oriented individual.
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Tutor in Zola, Soweto
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406 Hours Tutored
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I am diverse as a person. Words that best describe me are; passionate and understanding.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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1722 Hours Tutored
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I am a young God-fearing woman that will do all I can to help and assist others. I have a heart for serving and encouraging people in order to help them become the best versions of themselves.
Tutor in Philip Nel Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Philip Nel Park, Pretoria
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367 Hours Tutored
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I am a BSc Mathematics and Physics Graduate. Current Occupation: Health Physicist
Tutor in Rietvlei 101-Ir, Johannesburg South
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117 Hours Tutored
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I am a confident young woman who loves to help young children pursue their dreams. I am friendly and I enjoy learning new things.
Tutor in Naledi, Soweto
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231 Hours Tutored
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I am an ambitious individual and inclined towards getting the best out of himself. I enjoy soccer, both playing and watching the sport.
Tutor in Johannesburg South, Gauteng
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911 Hours Tutored
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I am hardworking but also fun-loving. I studied for a BSc ENG. I eat and sleep mathematics and physical sciences.
Tutor in Pimville Zone 1, Pimville
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154 Hours Tutored
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An individual who is willing and goal-driven by experience. I am passionate and open to learning new knowledge.
Tutor in Lenasia, Gauteng
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458 Hours Tutored
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I achieved all seven distinctions in matric. I am a WITS graduate. I have an Actuarial Science and Mathematical Statistics Degree. I have excellent communication skills and enjoy helping others.
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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121 Hours Tutored
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I am a curious, passionate, driven and hard working individual who believes in the potential and power of education and hope to help others believe in it too.
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