Can tutor online
Can tutor in person
I am an easy person to get along with, enjoy working with people, and am passionate about teaching. I believe in a dream that you as a parent or learner have for success in mathematics and science.
I can easily transfer my knowledge to someone in a way they would simply understand. I love making examples that resonate with my students for life and hence make them love and pass the subject.
• I have 10 years of tutoring and teaching experience
• I was also included in the SIPP program along with qualified teachers to improve school performance
My Proudest
• Getting A's in both Physical Science and Mathematics
• Being top of the class
• Seeing the people I helped achieve their goals
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NCSI am able to explain concepts of the subject in relation to real life and use more practical examples to motivate learning. I also tutored Physical Science in 2012 at various schools.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NCSMathematics was really a subject I quickly mastered through teaching my classmates in high school. Hence I gained alot of experience when I started tutoring and extra classes since 2012. I can easily make one love the subject and pass it.
Gerald will travel up to 10km from Clayville East, Olifantsfontein, Gauteng to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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