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Harikrishnan S

Tutor in Morningside, Sandton • 32 years old

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I am a passionate academic and am currently studying Electronic Engineering. I am very focused and hardworking.

I am approachable and easy to talk to. I have a unique skill of explaining concepts and information to people. My calm and collected nature help students to relax and relate while learning. Both of my parents have been teachers their entire lives, thus teaching is a part of who I am.


• 2010 Matric Average 88.43%
• 2016 Electronic Engineering 3rd Year
• Tutoring Experience at School and University Levels
• Sales Consultant Experience

My Proudest

• 100% for Maths and 96% for Physical Science in Matric.
• Received the SASOL Bursary to Study Electronic Engineering.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I matriculated with 100%. Maths is my passion and I've helped many people get through difficult times with their Maths.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have done Electronic Engineering at the University of Pretoria and have a lot of experience with Physical Science curriculum. I matriculated with 96% for the subject.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I am very proficient in English and really enjoyed it in school. I love literature and I'm always keen to help people improve their language skills.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I matriculated with 100%. Maths is my passion and I've helped many people get through difficult times with their Maths.


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

I obtained a Distinction (82%) for Afrikaans in Matric, and really enjoy the subject.

  • Sports Coaching


Beginner - Intermediate

I've been playing Cricket for 15 years. I played at the school level and university level and was selected for KZN colours while still in school. I am an all-rounder but specialise in bowling.

  • Adhoc Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced.

I have completed direct sales training and worked as a training manager for Telkom's Direct sales division. I have experience coaching and teaching people about sales techniques and the marketing system.


Harikrishnan will travel up to 20km from Morningside, Sandton, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“Harikrishnan is extremely knowledgeable and has the natural ability of transferring that knowledge in a way that makes sense. He has exceeded my expectations and am really happy to have gained so much from this experience.”
- Carla
“His knowledge on his subject is good and interacts well with Storm”
- Tracey
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