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Rebaone T

Tutor in Kudube Unit D, Kudube • 21 years old

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I am a third-year Financial Accounting (CA stream) student at the University of Cape Town. I look forward to being your tutor!

I am deeply passionate about helping others achieve their greatest potential. This can be explained by my staying after school to tutor my fellow classmates in Setswana twice a week without getting paid. I always helped out my friends with all the other subjects we were doing and I still continue to do so in university.


• 2021 - 2023: BCom degree in Financial Accounting (CA stream)

My Proudest

• I am an Allan Gray Orbis Foundation candidate fellow, a Deloitte signed student and a University of Cape Town Financial Accounting tutor. I have also been invited to join the Golden Key Society as part of the top 15% of achievers in my first year at UCT.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I currently hold two qualifications in Accounting (BCom and PGDA) and I have tutored accounting for two years, so I will be able to assist you understand the core principles of Accounting.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC (First Additional Language)

In primary school, I did Setswana as a home language for 8 years. My maternal and paternal families are Tswana, therefore I have a very strong foundation in the language. In high school, I did Setswana as a first additional language and achieved 85%.

  • University Tutoring

Financial Accounting

First Year ACC1006F

I got 84% for Financial Accounting in my first year and I went on to tutor first year Accounting for two years. I hold the necessary experience to assist you in your journey of buidling a solid foundation of financial accounting.

Financial Reporting

First Year ACC2011S

With my distinction in Financial Reporting (82%), I display high levels of comprehension of the module's content. I have also tutored the course in UCT through the College of Accounting and I can assist you with understanding financial reporting.


Rebaone will travel up to 15km from Kudube Unit D, Kudube, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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