Highest Quality Foundation Phase- Numeracy Tutors in Montana Tuine, Pretoria. Get Foundation Phase- Numeracy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Foundation Phase- Numeracy tutorTutor in Montana Tuine, Pretoria
Tutor in Montana Tuine, Pretoria
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I was a tutor and taught the majority of subjects with the inclusion of mathematics from foundation phase to Checkpoint 2 ( Grade 8 level ).
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Tutor in Magalieskruin, Pretoria
Tutor in Magalieskruin, Pretoria
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I homeschooled my daughter in Grade1 and part of Grade 2. I have experience a preschool teacher, therefore, well versed to tutor this subject to younger learners.
Tutor in Paulshof, Sandton
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98 Hours Tutored
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Unveiling the World of Foundation Phase Education: Illuminating Numeracy Instruction for Young Learners. Adept in mentoring ages 1-9, specializing in cultivating numerical skills. Committed to sculpting tomorrow's bright minds.
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792 Hours Tutored
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I believe that your junior years create the foundation for the rest of your years to come, therefore I would like to help others to build a solid foundation in this subject.
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972 Hours Tutored
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I have taught learners from Grade R - Grade 4 Numeracy and how to remember their work and a better way of organising.
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398 Hours Tutored
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I am good with Mathematical terms and I have thorough experience in tutoring my younger sibling in this subject.
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366 Hours Tutored
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I work with Foundation Phase (Grade 0-3) children on a daily basis in occupational therapy; assisting with formations, writing etc. I enjoy assisting them in achieving the foundational skills necessary to thrive academically. I am in the process of qualifying as a teacher for grade 0-3.
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475 Hours Tutored
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As a qualified teacher. I have extensive experience assisting foundation phase learners with Numeracy and all aspects of it. I have taught various learners from a variety of different backgrounds with varying ranges of understanding.
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343 Hours Tutored
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I am a graduate Engineer who is able to explain Mathematical concepts in a very simplified manner. I am passionate about helping others and finding methods that will help the learner grasp the subject.
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