Highest Quality Managerial Finance Tutors in V & A Waterfront, Cape Town. Get Managerial Finance Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in V & A Waterfront, Cape Town
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I was placed 5th in my 3rd-year class and 4th in my postgraduate diploma in accounting class at the University of Western Cape.
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11 Hours Tutored
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I studied a BCom Honours and completed my Masters in Business Administration (MBA). I have tutoring experience and have tutored more than 20 university graduates. I pass this subject really well and I would love to share my knowledge.
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I excel in providing constructive feedback and guidance to students, empowering them to enhance their abilities and reach their academic objectives. I believe in fostering a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking assistance.
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754 Hours Tutored
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Managerial Finance is a module that I can tutor and explain without any challenges. I achieved a 89% pass in Managerial Finance at MBA level.
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52 Hours Tutored
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I hold Master of Business Administration with sound background in finance and accounting. My background and field experience in accounting and finance as well as my MBA score for this module is proof of my expertise to handle this module.
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Finance is a field I am passionate about and I believe I am well skilled to tutor the course. During my university years I did my vacation work at a CorpFin company and where I am currently working I am in a division that is Finance orientated.
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