Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
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46 Hours Tutored
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I am a science enthusiast. Curiosity always has me by the neck, so investigations into certain phenomena thrill me up.
Tutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
Tutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
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12 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction in physics in Year 12 and I achieved +70 in university with Engineering Physics.
Tutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
Tutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
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Physics is all about understanding and application, although I struggled mildly with physics in school up to grade 11 (where I met a wonderful teacher who made it fun and understanding for me) I do science in university now. I want to be that to someone to a learner as well.
Tutor in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
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49 Hours Tutored
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I am able to explain Physics in a manner that it is easy to understand.
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Tutor in Kempton Park, Kempton Park
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569 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced teacher and have been teaching for over 14 years.
Tutor in Norkem Park, Kempton Park
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618 Hours Tutored
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I believe in constant practice. This way you will be able to tackle the subject better and gain greater understanding of the concepts.
Tutor in Northmead, Benoni
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875 Hours Tutored
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I achieved an A at IGCSE level for Physical Science. I am happy to help learners improve their understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Witpoort, Midrand
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940 Hours Tutored
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I have both a BSc and MSc degree in Engineering so I Have a wealth of knowledge in Physical Sciences. In addition I achieved a distinction in Physics. I've been tutoring for the past 3 years with excellent results achieved by my students.
Tutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
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1247 Hours Tutored
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Life Science and Physical Science form my core subjects in my profession. I am well versed in the subject matter up to university level.
Tutor in Lombardy East, Johannesburg
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838 Hours Tutored
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I matriculated with a Distinction for Physical Science. I have tutored many High School students in the subject and am confident in my ability to transfer knowledge and facilitate learning. I explain carefully and clearly in a way that anyone can understand.
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