These are the Highest Quality Sociology Tutors in Orlando East, Soweto. Get Sociology Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Orlando East, Soweto
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I have knowledge on the current syllabus offered in both the first year level and second year level of the Sociology course.
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Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
Tutor in Protea Glen, Soweto
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I am a passionate person, I make sure that no learner or student is left behind while I am in class teaching them. Inclusivity is my biggest component. My creative ways have shown me that I can definitely be a tutor for this interesting module.
Tutor in Rietvlei, KwaZulu-Natal
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11 Hours Tutored
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Sociology thinkers had interesting social theories that I enjoyed learning about. These theories inform the ways people think today. I have understanding of social thinkers such as Durkheim, Marx and Weber. I wrote extensive essays on their work.
Tutor in Klipspruit 318-Iq, Soweto
Tutor in Klipspruit 318-Iq, Soweto
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I enjoyed learning Sociology and loved it throughout my university years. It is a very fun module and has community interest and that is its core.
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213 Hours Tutored
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Understanding sociology- foundational principles and the interrelationships between concepts, is vital to achieving academic success. This makes me an ideal choice as I am patient, dedicated and excited to assist students in developing these understandings to achieve their desired academic goals.
225 Hours Tutored
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This subject is absolutely amazing. I enjoy teaching it as I find it fascinating how this subject was founded. Being able to relate these subjects to daily living as well as to my student's life to gain an easier understanding of the course
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358 Hours Tutored
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I have achieved a Bachelor's Honours in Sociology and I have taught the subject for 5 years. I enjoy seeing my learners develop a passion for Sociology too. I always find easier ways to explain difficult concepts and pay close attention to their learning style.
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766 Hours Tutored
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I am currently completing a masters degree in sociology with a particular emphasis on populism in South Africa. I completed honours in 2021 with a 79% average.
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996 Hours Tutored
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I do my best to always read all notes and make them summarized to the point that they are easy to read, remember and understand.
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228 Hours Tutored
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The fusion of scientific depth and empathetic exploration in sociology fuels my passion. Unravelling the intricate 'whys' behind societal challenges underscores the discipline's dedication to surpassing basic understanding.
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