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Get a tutorTutor in Germiston, Germiston
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215 Hours Tutored
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I am a humble person who comes from humble beginnings, born in Nquthu in the rural areas of KwaZulu Natal. I am a fun-loving, well-spoken and easygoing guy who is passionate about education.
Tutor in Dawnview, Germiston
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408 Hours Tutored
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I am an organised young lady who is prepared to take on any task and push to succeed in completing it.
Tutor in Solheim, Germiston
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273 Hours Tutored
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I am committed, enthusiastic and driven. I believe in a solid foundation for learners.
Tutor in Primrose Hill, Germiston
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121 Hours Tutored
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I'm caring, loving and courageous, Mathematics is my life, I believe in changing children's futures and giving them confidence so they can solve problems.
Tutor in Bedfordview, Germiston
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205 Hours Tutored
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I am someone who is passionate and dedicated. I believe that anyone can excel; all they need is the right environment and someone who takes personal interest in them.
Tutor in Fishers Hill, Germiston
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112 Hours Tutored
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I am dedicated and deadline oriented. I have a reserved nature, but I am always willing to extend myself to help others.
Tutor in Homestead, Germiston
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140 Hours Tutored
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I'm an innovative and passionate Maths and Science lover. I am patient and understanding and believe that with the right education your possibilities are endless.
Tutor in Bedfordview, Germiston
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185 Hours Tutored
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I am a very driven and hard-working person who aims for success in everything I do. I am very patient and enjoy helping people who are in need of my help.
Tutor in Sunnyrock, Germiston
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97 Hours Tutored
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Strong leadership; organized and charismatic. These are the words that best describe me as a person and why I continue to grow in each environment I am placed in.
Tutor in Wychwood, Germiston
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168 Hours Tutored
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I am a self-motivated individual who is work driven completed my studies at the University of Johannesburg ,Im interested in assisting students to achieve their dreams by tutoring them.
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