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Get a tutorTutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
Tutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
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I am an associate member of the South African Chemist Institute holding a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Technology Honours Degree with vast of career prospects suitable for modern global corporate.
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
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I am a Psychology student, high fashion model and entrepreneur. I'm a lover of nature and practising mental and physical health.
Tutor in Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand
Tutor in Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand
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I am a hardworking, reliable and self-motivated BCom Finance graduate. I am passionate about helping others and seeking opportunities to lend an helping hand whenever I can.
Tutor in Waterval 5-Ir, Midrand
Tutor in Waterval 5-Ir, Midrand
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I am a newly qualified Actuary. I am good at and enjoy teaching Maths.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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I am a Wits university who loves singing, cooking, learning, teaching and writing and man who learns from his mistakes and has a beautiful soul and every time I fall,I fighting till the end.
Tutor in Ivory Park, Midrand
Tutor in Ivory Park, Midrand
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I am self-motivated and ambitious. I believe I have a duty to pass on what I know to others.
Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand
Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand
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I am a hardworking individual passionate about the accoutung profession since high school days
Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand
Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand
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I am an analytical thinker with practical problem-solving abilities. Strategy is my passion.
Tutor in Savanna Hills Estate, Midrand
Tutor in Savanna Hills Estate, Midrand
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I am a Master of Engineering student at Stellenbosch university with a chemical engineering background and I am passionate about science and learning.
Tutor in Kyalami Estate, Midrand
Tutor in Kyalami Estate, Midrand
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I am a kind, patient and understanding person with strong determination to do the best I can in everything. I am passionate about my academics which has driven me to be committed to my goals.
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Subjects offered in Midrand