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Get a tutorTutor in South End, Port Elizabeth
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57 Hours Tutored
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I want you to succeed. I know that personal help is the best way to achieve that success.
Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth
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216 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate person who enjoys helping people realize their full potential. In my free time I enjoy playing chess and participating in water-based activities.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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22 Hours Tutored
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I am very passionate about people development. I believe education is the way to empower our communities
Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
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378 Hours Tutored
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I am a results driven individual who finds comfort in the success of others.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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59 Hours Tutored
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Generally, the first thing people notice about me is that I can be considerate, a second thing would be is that I'm open-minded and confident.
Tutor in Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth
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881 Hours Tutored
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A dynamic and versatile individual. I love teaching and always make the learning exciting.
Tutor in Sidwell, Port Elizabeth
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20 Hours Tutored
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I am a patient, open minded and understanding person. I am also friendly and have experience in tutoring.
Tutor in Humewood, Port Elizabeth
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46 Hours Tutored
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I possess a unique mix of industrial experience. I believe that the more you share, the more you also learn. Therefore, I find fulfillment in imparting what I know and continuing to learn from others.
Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
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25 Hours Tutored
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I am an individual who sets goals, no matter how ambitious, and uses my passion and determination to reach them. I also believe in showing love and kindness to others as it will be returned to me.
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