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Tutor in Siluma View, Katlehong
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I am a self-motivated and self-driven individual, with a positive attitude and an open-mind. I love sharing information and I have a passion for helping another person to understand.
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Tutor in Brackenhurst, Alberton
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502 Hours Tutored
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I am a fun, bubbly, social person. I truly enjoy my job as a high school educator as it allows me to see through my learners' eyes and teach them to see things from different angles.
Tutor in Mulbarton, Johannesburg South
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166 Hours Tutored
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I am an extrovert who is always ready to learn something new. I am dedicated, perseverant and always find a way to help people.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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581 Hours Tutored
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I am patient, smart, and objective. I have been tutoring since my final year of university, that's when realized I have a passion for helping others excel.
Tutor in Randhart, Alberton
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501 Hours Tutored
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I am a vibrant scientist with a great passion to share the gained knowledge to young and aspiring scientists. I am also a loving husband and father.
Tutor in Florentia, Alberton
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318 Hours Tutored
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Successfully completed a BSc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town. Well-versed in the thermodynamics of reactor design (of catalytic reactors). Serious work with me no playing around
Tutor in Windmill Park, Boksburg
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669 Hours Tutored
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I am a Maths and Science genius who studied B.Sc Chemical Engineering and N6 Electrical Engineering. I am willing to share my knowledge with others.
Tutor in Germiston, Germiston
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215 Hours Tutored
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I am a humble person who comes from humble beginnings, born in Nquthu in the rural areas of KwaZulu Natal. I am a fun-loving, well-spoken and easygoing guy who is passionate about education.
Tutor in New Redruth, Alberton
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178 Hours Tutored
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I am an aspiring Chemical Engineer, with a love for the science of Chemistry. I am passionate, ambitious, highly organized and result-orientated.
Tutor in Finaalspan 114-Ir, Boksburg
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426 Hours Tutored
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I am a goal - oriented person and I believe in leaving a mark on everything that I touch.
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