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Grace M

Tutor in Sinoville, Pretoria • 48 years old

Request Grace

Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I excellent interpersonal skills and a great team player. I have more than 15 years of industry experience in the manufacturing sector and I have more than 5 years of lecturing experience.

My personality is a friendly bubbly person who fits in with any age group makes interacting with individuals an easy job to do. I am quite adaptable to any given situation and I nature and maintain good relations with students. I take time to understand the diverse community I operate in.


• 2012-2014 Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.), Africa University
• 2004-2006 Bachelor of Business Administration
• 2016-2017 Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education, U.N.I.S.A.

My Proudest

• My biggest achievements in my carreer are increasing the pass rate/graduation rate and throughput rate of students and seeing them graduate with distinctions and on a personal note my ability to register for my Ph.D. with UNISA this year.


  • University Tutoring

Business Management

First Year - Postgrad MS511

I have more than 5 years of lecturing/tutoring experience and online tutoring from NQF 5 to 7 including lecturing entrepreneurship.

Marketing Management

First Year - Third Year KT501

I have more than 5 years in lecturing NQF5-7 both face to face and online tutoring

General Management

First Year - Third Year EC510

I have more that 5 years experience in tutoring both online and face to face

Operations Management

First Year MS506

I have more that 5 years of lecturing experience in the private sector both online and face to face


Grace will travel up to 30km from Sinoville, Pretoria, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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