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Gwynneth C

Tutor in Kensington, Johannesburg • 39 years old

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I am a new owner of a commercial legal consultancy. I love all aspects of Law and Academia. Learning is a passion of mine and I enjoy helping someone to reach their full potential.

I spent 3 years doing university tutoring. I am patient and firm and am always prepared for lessons. I am innovative when it comes to learning techniques and have a passion for learning and helping others. Seeing my students exceed all expectations gives me a great sense of pride and achievement, knowing that I have helped that student better themselves and have a chance at a better future.


• LLM in Commercial Law, UNISA
• Practical Legal Training course (Law Society of SA with distinction)
• L.E.A.D Practise Management course (Law Society of SA with distinction)

My Proudest

• Completing my LLB Cum Laude - I was also the first in my family to finish a degree
• I have been published six times as a co-author in a international publications by Thompson Reuters and Law Business Research dealing with International Private Client Tax and Wealth


  • University Tutoring

Commercial Law

First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.

Criminal Law

First Year - Fourth Year

I have completed an LLB.

Entrepreneurial Law

First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.

Income Tax

First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.

Labour Law

First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.


First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.


First Year - Fourth Year

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.

  • School Tutoring

Mercantile Law

Grade 1 - Grade 12

LLB, Partner in Boutique Law Firm specialising in Commercial Law and Tax.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

Distinction in Matric.

Exam Preparation

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I finished my LLB Cum Laude and have developed my own study techniques.

Computer Skills

Grade 1 - Grade 12

A basic computer understanding and usage is imperative. I have an excellent grasp of the most utilised programs.


Gwynneth will travel up to 10km from Kensington, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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