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Haseena K

Tutor in Eldoraigne, Centurion • 30 years old

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Can tutor in person


I am a very approachable person. People often turn to me for help and I find value in helping them.

Helping others is something I was taught from a young age, so it has become second nature to me. I am passionate about helping others.


• 2013 - 2015 B.Sc Human Physiology (University of Pretoria)
• 2016 BHSC-Hons Human Genetics (University of Witwatersrand)
• 2017-2019 LLB (University of Witwatersrand)

My Proudest

• Finishing my undergraduate degree with 5/8 distinctions in 3 years
• Achieving a Golden Key Award in 2015


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year GTS 251,GTS 351,GTS 358

I am currently pursuing my Honours in Human Genetics at Wits. I feel equipped to assist.

  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have completed my Undergraduate B.Sc degree in Human physiology at TUKS and currently doing Honors in Human Genetics at Wits.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

My B.Sc undergraduate degree required me to do a year of Chemistry and Physical Science.


Grade 1 - Grade 8 NSC

I used to really struggle with Maths, but I have overcome the battle and would love to help others succeed. I finished my undergraduate degree with 5/8 distinctions in 3 years. I also obtained a Golden Key Award in 2015.


Grade 1 - Grade 2

English is my home language and I have a passion for sharing my knowledge with others.


Grade 1 - Grade 8

I received a distinction in Grade 12 and I really enjoyed this subject.


Haseena will travel up to 10km from Eldoraigne, Centurion, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“She has a Great commitment to getting my child to improve. Thank you”
- Nkibi
“Excellent tutor indeed ”
- Yakhe
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