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Samuel O

Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg • 28 years old

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I am Samuel Oluwole Otunola and I am currently a second year student of Biomedical Engineering at Wits University. I like anything related to biotechnology and I enjoy helping people in anyway I can.

I am very patient and I do not mind repeating something several times until the learner understands completely. I constantly help colleagues with their school work, which further reinforces my ability to teach. I was a member of the senior student council in high school which promotes my ability as leader.


• 2016 - till date - Bsc Eng Biomedical Engineering Student
• 2018 - Completed Google online course in Web Development
• 2016 - Attended a Habitable Planet Workshop organised by the CSIR

My Proudest

• Graduating with the best Matric results in my high school.
• Being accepted to study Biomedical Engineering at Wits University.
• Participating in the English Olympiad and obtaining a bronze certificate.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Economics is one of my favourite subjects and I realise that I have a deep understanding of it, and I'm quite easily able to explain concepts to others.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I loved Biology in high school and I would love to teach others how to love this subject too.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have a deep understanding of Physics. I have also done physics in my first and second years at varsity, therefore I have a vast level of experience.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 11 NSC

I used to help a lot of my colleagues in High School with the above subject, and I have completed and I'm currently studying a number of coding courses, and this involves a lot of logic, I believe this will enable me to be a better tutor.


Samuel will travel up to 15km from Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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