Highest Quality Additional Mathematics Tutors in South Africa. Get Additional Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Additional Mathematics tutorTutor in Melrose North, Johannesburg
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I have been tutoring mathematics since 2014 to disadvantaged learners. I love mathematics and it gives me joy to see someone doing good from my assistance
Tutor in Willow Park Manor, Pretoria
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Additional mathematics is a subject that requires a slightly different approach to the core maths syllabus. Learning complex proofs and geometry as well as aspects of calculus requires thinking out of the box. I studied mathematics at university.
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
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Passed Maths I (major), Maths-II (Engineering) and other Maths sub-courses with Distinction.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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I am a Mathematics graduate from Wits and I have tutored in Midrand, Gauteng, for a year. For 2 years during vacation break, I tutored in Milnerton, Cape Town. I am currently an intern at UCT and in 2017 will pursue honours studies in Economics.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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Mathematics has always been my strong suit, my favourite subject to dive deeply into. I have tutored for the last 5 years and for the University of Cape Town for the last 2 years. My BSc degree is majored in Pure & Applied Maths.
Tutor in Rosebank, Cape Town
Tutor in Rosebank, Cape Town
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AP Maths can be very hard but it can also be very rewarding, as It introduces concepts that become important at University. I believe I can show students how genuinely interesting these concepts can be.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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29 Hours Tutored
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In addition to my 93% for normal Mathematics, I have completed 1st & 2nd year mathematics at UCT and A-level Maths. While I haven't have seen the problems that are given in Add Maths, I believe my knowledge of maths is complete enough to be able to teach it.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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Passionate about math, eager to guide students in mastering effective approaches. My goal is to instil confidence and excellence, making them comfortable with the subject.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
21 Hours Tutored
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I took Calculus up to a second year level in university and achieved very good marks in Additional Maths in school. I took Additional Mathematics in grade 11 and 12. After missing grade 10 ad Maths, I learned the material in just under a month.
Tutor in Rustenburg North, Rustenburg
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Mathematics has always been my strongest skill, I love it and I enjoy teaching it. I achieved an A in grade 12.
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