These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in South Africa. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Strathavon, Sandton
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570 Hours Tutored
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With a strong affinity for Afrikaans and a genuine passion for assisting others, I'm your go-to tutor for speeches and homework. Let's achieve your language goals together!
Tutor in Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria
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600 Hours Tutored
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I'm a native Afrikaans speaker, with a broad knowledge of Afrikaans vocabulary, grammar, literature and culture. I write short stories and poems (some having been published on the LitNet website). I am very enthusiastic about Afrikaans and I would love to help students to get excited about it too.
Tutor in Erand , Johannesburg
551 Hours Tutored
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I've taught it for years and can make it fun to those I teach. Going back to the basics have proven to be invaluable. Learners soon understand what used to be "difficult"
Tutor in Quellerina, Randburg
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510 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring Afrikaans for 3 years. It is my second home language and I have a fluent understanding of the language.
Tutor in Kenwyn, Cape Town
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475 Hours Tutored
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I have assisted many learners in their understanding of the language and have seen them excel. I have the ability to make understanding the language interesting and fun. I am a qualified teacher and have over 8 years teaching experience.
Tutor in Rosebank, Johannesburg
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582 Hours Tutored
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I have always had a passion for learning languages. Having studied Afrikaans First Additional Language throughout high school, I have a strong command of the language because I enjoy the process of learning it. I wish to help others understand it better.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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566 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans was always an interesting language to me, as it is so different from English, yet so versatile. I have been able to communicate with those who speak German and Dutch through Afrikaans alone. I grew to have a high level of respect for the language because of this
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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579 Hours Tutored
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I have always had a deep appreciation for Afrikaans. I matriculated with distinction for the subject and am able to help others with all aspects of the language.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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526 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans is my first language and my passion! I have published a few articles for the Volksblad in Bloemfontein, and the Passi magazine.
Tutor in Daveyton, Benoni
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561 Hours Tutored
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I have always excelled in Afrikaans throughout school and I passed the subject with a distinction in Grade 12, obtaining 87%. I have excellent understanding of Afrikaans both as a school subject and as a language. I facilitate tutoring in all aspects of this language and learners will be equipped.
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