Highest Quality Critical Thinking Tutors in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg. Get Critical Thinking Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Critical Thinking tutorTutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
Tutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
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I enjoyed this module and was able to gain a crucial skill in creative writing and I can confidently promise that I will be able to effectively communicate with the students involved in this module.
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82 Hours Tutored
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I am an Occupational Therapy student who is passionate about tutoring/teaching. I am TEFL qualified and would love to use my skills to help students develop important learning skills that will guide them through school.
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473 Hours Tutored
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Completing a PhD requires critical thinking: how to formulate your problem accurately and succinctly, how to design experiments to test hypotheses and how to clearly and carefully write up your results.
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34 Hours Tutored
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With a sound understanding of the theory that underpins critical thinking, I can nurture students’ skills in developing higher-order thinking skills to apply to meet module outcomes.
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Subjects offered in Wanderers View Estate