These are the Highest Quality English Tutors in Cape Town. Get English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an English tutorTutor in Weltevreden Valley North, Cape Town
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693 Hours Tutored
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I love English, even though it is not my first language it is the most frequently used language among my family and friends. I have tutored English to Primary School and High School learners.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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526 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a distinction in Matric, and studied English Literature at university.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
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698 Hours Tutored
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I am a qualified teacher. I have had the joy of working with young people of all ages. My passion is for teaching critical thinking and self-expression. Helping younger children find the fun in learning to read and write is what I strive for.
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
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489 Hours Tutored
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I am highly competent with the English language and majored in English at university. I can assist with language, literature, exam preparation, understanding and learning about short stories, poems, grammar, punctuation, spelling, essay writing and a wide range of set-work novels.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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579 Hours Tutored
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I am a freelance editor and writer of English language learning materials. I am also familiar with CAPS and the type of assessment that is required.
Tutor in Kenwyn, Cape Town
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475 Hours Tutored
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I hold a degree in English, and I have completed my TEFL and TEYL. I have been teaching and tutoring the subject for more than 6 years. I have tutored various learners from Grade 1-7 including learners with limited learning abilities. I am a qualified teacher specializing in English.
Tutor in Hume, Cape Town
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539 Hours Tutored
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I did very well in English throughout my entire school career. My Gr. 12 result was 91% for English. I am bilingual and also had all my university subjects in English for 4 years.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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566 Hours Tutored
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English has always been a subject that I am passionate about, specifically literature. Analysing and discerning meaning from poems and other forms of literature is something that I excel at and enjoy teaching others about it.
Tutor in Jagtershof, Cape Town
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595 Hours Tutored
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I obtained 75+ throughout my high school career. I enjoy poems, reading and writing. I had English as Home Language up to grade 11. In matric, I obtained 84% for English as First Additional Language.
Tutor in Milnerton, Cape Town
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539 Hours Tutored
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Throughout school I performed well in English, as I have a love for literature and the way language is used to convey thought. I am proficient in phrasing and constructing well written answers due to the nature of scientific writing.
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