Highest Quality Language Arts (English) Tutors in San Diego. Get Language Arts (English) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Language Arts (English) tutorTutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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I have taken multiple college level reading/writing courses (including AP Literature in high school), and I have maintained a 4.0 average in all of these courses. I also scored a 760 on the reading portion of the SAT. I can assist in any task related to reading comprehension and essay writing.
Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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English is a very fun and engaging subject! I’ve tutored kindergarten students in phonetics and reading all the way through high school literature and writing!
Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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I am currently in my final semester to obtain my masters in speech-language pathology. I have worked for the past several years in private clinics and public schools as an intern specializing in promoting language development and teaching compensatory strategies at all levels.
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58 Hours Tutored
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As part of my Honors curriculum I spent the last two years of my college education producing extensive research papers for specialized classes, including Porcelain History, Surveillance, and issues involving Gender, Race, and Citizenship.
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24 Hours Tutored
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I want to help students who aren’t comfortable with English to no longer be intimidated by it, but rather help them feel confident and ready to approach the subject!
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25 Hours Tutored
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I tutor one on one both online and face to face. I tutor both English as a second language and language skills. I have received positive parent feedback as I work closely with parents/guardians to achieve positive learning results, and increase goal proficiency in students with learning challenges.
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75 Hours Tutored
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English is potentially the most important subject in all of education; however, it's one of the most challenging! I hope to help students develop the grammatical foundation, expansive vocabulary, and literary techniques needed to succeed as a reader and writer through high school and beyond!
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24 Hours Tutored
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I have effectively worked with students from a wide range of ages to develop concrete and long-lasting soft/hard skills. I enthusiastically personalize each tutoring session according to pupil needs in order to maximize subject comprehension. I also conduct frequent student evaluations!
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74 Hours Tutored
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I received my Bachelor's from UCLA and have a specialization in Shakespearean textual analysis and performance. I've taught extracurricular Shakespearean performance and text work to middle and high schoolers for more than 5 years.
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30 Hours Tutored
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I have taken IB English HL, honors English classes and scored in the 99% percentile for SAT reading. Scored As in my college writing classes. I am able to help with reading comprehension and essay writing.
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Subjects offered in San Diego