These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Benoni. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Daveyton, Benoni
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537 Hours Tutored
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I am really good at Physical Science, and I am able to work through the difficult aspects and help others do so.
Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
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284 Hours Tutored
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I am able to assist with Physical science at Primary school level. I have a Diploma in Education
Tutor in Fairleads, Benoni
Tutor in Fairleads, Benoni
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My teaching experience spans over 14 years in total. I achieved a 100 % in Physical Sciences in 2017 examinations with an average of 73%. In Mathematical literacy I achieved 100 % pass rate with an average of 61 % in 2017 NSC examinations.
Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
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1066 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced tutor and have classroom teaching experience. I achieved an A in Physical Science in Grade 12 and enjoy tackling challenges head-on.
Tutor in The Stewards, Benoni
Tutor in The Stewards, Benoni
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While doing grade 12, I was tutoring Grade 10 Physical Sciences. I enjoy tutoring Physical Sciences and I am good at it.
Tutor in Benoni, Gauteng
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106 Hours Tutored
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I have a 4-year track record of teaching Physical Science and achieving outstanding results. I have a solid background, having completed relevant modules at university level.
Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
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49 Hours Tutored
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I have been teaching Physical Sciences in South Africa for 9 years. In the year 2018, I was chosen as the best Physical Sciences teacher in Ekurhuleni North District.
Tutor in Northmead, Benoni
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875 Hours Tutored
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I achieved an A at IGCSE level for Physical Science. I am happy to help learners improve their understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Rynfield AH, Benoni
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49 Hours Tutored
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I have been a relief teacher for Grade 11 Physics.I focus more on explaining and breaking down concepts rather than giving answers.I use analogies that the student can relate to. I have tutored with various organisations before.
Tutor in Old Etwatwa East, Benoni
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218 Hours Tutored
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I have 3 years of experience tutoring at a Children's Home, and this has helped me to be patient and come up with "unorthodox" teaching methods to help learners understand. I am a passionate tutor ready to tackle any challenge.
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