Tutors in Cape Town

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John B

Tutor in La Rochelle, Cape Town

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452 Hours Tutored

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My passion for seeing people overcome obstacles and my ability to naturally help people grow to their full potential are two qualities that greatly benefit my students.

Accounting Mathematics
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Andrew C

Tutor in Milnerton, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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539 Hours Tutored

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I am a patient person who is always willing to help others grow and succeed. I am self-motivated, driven, and respectful of other's boundaries.

English Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Nthabiseng M

Tutor in Maitland, Cape Town

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570 Hours Tutored

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My name is Nthabiseng Matsoso, I am currently pursuing my Chartered Accounting articles in auditing and accounting. I Graduated from UCT with Bcom Accounting degree (CA stream).

English Economics Accounting South Sotho Business Studies
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Corne K

Tutor in Kraaifontein, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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389 Hours Tutored

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I am a passionate teacher, loyal dedicated, and always prepared. I am kind with empathy and understanding. Goal orientated.

Drama Afrikaans Life Orientation
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Francis V

Tutor in Hume, Cape Town

chip background star 4.7
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539 Hours Tutored

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I am an energetic, friendly and passionate person that loves to help people. I am very patient when it comes to teaching and it makes me happy to see when someone succeeds in their education.

English Physics Afrikaans Chemistry Accounting Mathematics Physical Science
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Bianca E

Tutor in Sunningdale, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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490 Hours Tutored

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I believe that each student can reach their potential with a little extra help, patience and love. In my free time I run, read, better my knowledge on subjects I enjoy and spending time with my son.

Afrikaans Business Studies Economic Management Science (EMS)
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Shail D

Tutor in Rosebank, Cape Town

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580 Hours Tutored

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I am a Civil Engineering student at the University of Cape Town. I am from Mauritius.

French Civil Engineering
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Alisha G

Tutor in Jagtershof, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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595 Hours Tutored

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I am a very hardworking, kind-hearted and patient individual. I have a passion for teaching. My interests also include music, health and psychology.

English Afrikaans Accounting Mathematics Natural Science
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Lilo H

Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town

chip background star 5.0
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424 Hours Tutored

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I am a qualified, creative and very experienced teacher with an excellent subject knowledge. I will develop your skills and your love of the subject through motivation, humour and hard work.

English History Homework Geography Social Science Natural Science Human and Social Sciences
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Siphesihle C

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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422 Hours Tutored

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I am a people person. I love interacting with different people as I believe that not all life lessons are learned at school. I am goal driven and I always push myself until I have achieved my goals.

Zulu English Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science Life Orientation Life Sciences (Biology)
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