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Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
30 Hours Tutored
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I am hard working and enthusiastic, and am passionate about finding ways to help others in a way that is suitable for them. I am a university student and therefore can be flexible with my times.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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34 Hours Tutored
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I am an Economics and Finance student at UCT, and I enjoy reading in my spare time. I also love outdoor activities and sports.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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117 Hours Tutored
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I am a Final year Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Finance) student at the University of Cape Town. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) level 1 candidate.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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47 Hours Tutored
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I'm slightly peculiar, but not the scary kind! I love working with people, but I'm not one to become swept in with a crowd. I thrive on individuality and strive to bring out the best in others.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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64 Hours Tutored
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A hard working, ambitious and very curious person. Who loves people and enjoys watching people grow intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. I am highly organised person who always prioritizes.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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33 Hours Tutored
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I am a respectful, friendly, and patient person and I enjoy assisting others to reach their goals. I have extensive tutoring experience, and I have gained a set of different skills.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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53 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard-working young lady who likes helping out where I can because I want everyone to reach their full potential.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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36 Hours Tutored
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I am an incredibly charismatic individual dedicated to making the world a better place. I strive for excellence in every aspect of life.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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43 Hours Tutored
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I am a cheerful, energetic, and optimistic person, who enjoys getting to know and work with people. I love stories, making confusing things understandable, and hope to become a high-school teacher.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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124 Hours Tutored
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I am a Zim-born, SA-raised, UCT alumnus. I pride myself on achieving and motivating others to achieve the best possible results, together. I am inspired by another's dedication to self-improvement.
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