Tutors in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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Jessica O

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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26 Hours Tutored

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I am a final year medical student at Stellenbosch, who would like to start helping others now in whatever capacity I can. I am friendly, driven, organised and excited to be a tutor once again!

Mathematics Life Sciences (Biology)
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Enrica C

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am inquisitive, curious, and truly enjoy learning more about the world we live in - to truly enjoy your academic work, you need to first explore your passion for knowledge and understanding.

Genetics Microbiology
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Abed N

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am a driven, hard-working and goal-oriented individual. I love puzzles and problem-solving which, I suppose, is why I love Maths so much.

English Physiology Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Lovemore M

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

chip background star 4.0
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47 Hours Tutored

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I'm a tutor who encourages learner participation and 100% involvement. I'm humble and a great team worker.

Statistics Mathematics Advanced Mathematics
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Tesia C

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am a confident, intellectual and helpful young lady, who has a passion to impact my community and pave the way for others to do the same. I am a 3rd year medical student & volunteer at Kids-Church.

Physics Chemistry Mathematics Life Sciences (Biology)
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Hugh S

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am an honest, hardworking, quick-learning, solution-finding, positive person. I have big aspirations, and I'm always finding ways to achieve them..

English Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Aidan B

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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112 Hours Tutored

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I am a determined MSc Pharmacology graduate with a desire to excel at what I do. I am a hard-working student who enjoys a challenge and strives to help others become the best version of themselves.

Physics Chemistry Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Siphosethu B

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am Baleni Siphosethu, a third year student at University of Western Cape. I am 23 years old.

Xhosa Life Sciences (Biology)
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Leah C

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town

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I am Leah, I have a background in science and research, and I am very passionate about reading, writing and listening.

English History Physics Geography Chemistry Mathematics Life Sciences (Biology)

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Thulani M

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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2329 Hours Tutored

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I'm a highly motivated tutor who loves to inspire young minds. Join me on a journey of discovery and let's unlock your full potential together.

SPSS STATA Research R Studio Accounting Statistics Mathematics Applied Statistics Business Statistics Advanced Mathematics Economic Management Science (EMS)
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Amber M

Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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1225 Hours Tutored

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I am a hardworking, outgoing person that prioritises holistic living; everyone needs a good balance of work and fun. In my free time, I enjoy exploring my city and creating long-lasting memories.

English Afrikaans Accounting Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Admire M

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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1781 Hours Tutored

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I studied Chemical engineering at the University of Capetown. I love interacting with different people from different parts of the world. I love music and l am also a professional pianist

English Geology Physics Chemistry Mathematics Microeconomics Exam Preparation Engineering Maths Mathematics Literacy Chemical Engineering
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