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Get a tutorTutor in Somerset Park, Umhlanga
Tutor in Somerset Park, Umhlanga
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Can tutor in person
I am passionate about sharing knowledge and learning. I'm patient, hard-working and really love helping people.
Tutor in Sunningdale, Umhlanga
Tutor in Sunningdale, Umhlanga
Cannot tutor online
Can tutor in person
I'm not too serious - humour is great - but I understand the need for truly understanding subject matter as a means for beneficial academic achievement.
Tutor in Umhlanga Rocks, Umhlanga
Tutor in Umhlanga Rocks, Umhlanga
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Can tutor in person
I am a friendly, outgoing person who loves meeting new people and helping people. I am currently studying medicine and have a passion for tutoring. I am a hard worker, diligent, and a go-getter.
Tutor in Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal
Tutor in Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal
Background Checked
Can tutor online
Can tutor in person
I am enthusiastic about Life and love helping others achieve their goals. I am an extrovert and a people's person who is easy to talk to.
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Absolutely! We have a 97% success rate with our customers. If you're unlucky enough to be in the 3% that it didn't work for, we don't want you to have to pay for it.
Subjects offered in Umhlanga
Areas in Umhlanga