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Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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I am currently a final year student at Stellenbosch University. I am very passionate about teaching and helping others. I spend my free time exploring new places with my friends and exercising.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
53 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about helping students who want to excel academically and professionally, especially those who are into research, statistics, data analysis using Stata software package.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
20 Hours Tutored
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I'm a passionate and motivated tutor. Having dealt with many university students from various backgrounds, I know how to respond to individual needs of every student to achieve great results.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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146 Hours Tutored
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A chartered accountant by profession with over 13 years of Finance experience. Passionate about teaching and learning Accounting and Maths, having obtained a distinction in maths on a higher grade.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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I am a mother and grandmother who loves to see people grow. What you see is what you get, I am honest and proud of my integrity and moral values
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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67 Hours Tutored
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As a business owner, writer, and editor, I prepare you for exams and communicate as a professional at an international level.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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I am Drake Slabbert and I am currently busy with an MSc in Entomology. I enjoy tutoring and explaining topics in a different way to ensure that my learners understand these topics on a deeper level.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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99 Hours Tutored
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I don't Work hard but i work smart. I am good with mathematics, anything that needs calculations
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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61 Hours Tutored
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I am a third-year financial sciences student at the University of Pretoria who is very passionate about teaching and accounting. I have 4+ years of experience in tutoring accounting.
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