Tutor Reviews

“Jenhara is performing at consistently high levels in both Maths and Physics. In the second term, she took both individual awards for the highest marks in her grade, achieving 99.04% in Maths and over 96% for physics. A great tribute to Merlvine who assisted her to catch up on her work after she was ill in the first term and missed many weeks of school. ”
- Desh
“My tutor is very interactive in class and every lesson is productive as he is very patient with me.”
- Tshwanelo
“He focuses on the learner and you can see that he understands the content very well. I think my final rating for this year is when I receive final results. ”
- Ntshadi
“He has taught me how to love maths and physics ”
- Sandra
“He was very helpful even when I asked for multiple revisions of the same concept ”
- Manaal
Millennial woman with curly black hair tutoring brunette teenage girl

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