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Chite L

Tutor in Wilgespruit 190-Iq, Roodepoort • 27 years old

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chip background star 4.6
chip background 976

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Mathematics can be fun and exciting to learn. I had great teachers and was dedicated to doing well at high school. I am patient when it comes to helping people learn. I am also easy to work with.

Easy to work with and patient with students. I can bring out enthusiasm for a subject from students.


• BSc Mechanical Engineering 2016-
• Wits university

My Proudest

• Obtained 100% in physical sciences grade 12.
• Obtained 98% in mathematics grade 12.
• Ranked top 3 in my province in physical sciences National Science Olympiad.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I achieved a distinction of 98% for Mathematics in Grade 12 and I am currently enrolled for BSc Mechanical Engineering at Wits University. I have excellent understanding of Mathematics and I am also very good at teaching it as I have experience from helping classmates at school and at varsity.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I achieved 100% for Physical Science in Grade 12 and I was one of the top learners nationally. I'm currently studying BSc Mechanical Engineering at Wits University. Furthermore, I am very good at teaching and have experience from helping classmates at school and at varsity.

Natural Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS, IEB

1. I have 81% in Life Science (Biology) and 100% in Physical Science 2. I have a good understanding of the Biology and Physical science parts of Natural Science 3. I am good at teaching and have experience from helping classmates at school and varsity. Also have tutoring experience. 4. I am patient


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I achieved 100% for Physical Science in Grade 12 and I was one of the top learners nationally. I'm currently studying BSc Mechanical Engineering at Wits University. Furthermore, I am very good at teaching and have experience from helping classmates at school and at varsity.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

1. I have 100% in Physical Science(PS) 2. I have a good understanding of PS. 3. I am good at teaching and have experience from helping classmates at school and varsity. Also have tutoring experience. 4. I am patient with students. 5. I have good problem solving and analytical skills in Chemistry.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS

1. I have 81% in Life Science (Biology) 2. I have a good understanding of the Biology and willing to go the extra mile for students to understand difficult areas of the subject. 3. I am good at teaching and have experience from helping classmates at school and varsity. 4. I am patient with students

Reviews from others

“Chite goes the extra mile in order to help me with not just maths but as well as showing me how you are supposed to answer a specific question.He also takes the time to explain how he gets to a specific point in a question ”
- Dudu
“He goes the extra mile in preparing for our lessons. Additionally he's easy to talk to and understand. He's patient with me and really puts in effort in ensuring that I get the most from our lessons.”
- Ipeleng
“I communicated with Chite about Tumelo's progress and I am happy with the way things are. Tumelo is showing some good progress. My apologies for not not responding last week, I wanted Chites input first before I could respond to you. ”
- Jack
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