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Priscilla L

Tutor in Fourways, Sandton • 27 years old

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I am a young lady who is passionate about learning and teaching. Many people who know me would describe me as kind and reliable.

I enjoy helping others, and it is something that I have always been passionate about. They say knowledge is power; that is something I am always willing to share. In all my years at university, I was either a tutor, an academic advisor, or even both. Furthermore, even in my career, I am always involved in graduate training.


• - BCom Accounting (CUM Laude) from UJ
• - BCom Honours in Taxation from UP
• - MCom in Taxation from UP
• - Registered tax advisor with SAIT
• - Registered tax practitioner with SARS

My Proudest

• Part of the top 1% at the University of Johannesburg in 2017 and 2018.
• A Golden Key Member
• Graduated Cum Laude


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year BEL3A01, BEL3B01

I am currently a tax professional who has always had a passion for teaching and tutoring. I was a tutor and academic advisor at the University of Johannesburg. My strongest skill as a tutor is my patience.

Business Management

First Year BMA1A01 & BMA1B01

I am a great tutor for Business Management not only because I excelled in the subject but also because I grew up in a family business. I have technical knowledge but also practical knowledge. I would love to assist students with succeeding in this subject.

Financial Management

First Year BSR1B01

I am a great tutor for financial management because I have the patience and ability to tutor a student through this challenging subject. I aim to create engaging lessons and to help students feel confident in their abilities.


First Year EKN1A01 & EKN1B01

I am a great tutor for Economics because I have a vast knowledge of microeconomics and macroeconomics. I aim to break down complicated concepts and help students build a strong foundation of understanding.

Commercial Law

First Year KMR1A11 & KMR1B21

I am a great tutor for commercial law because although I am a tax professional, the law is a very important part of my career. It is something that I am consistently exposed to. I enjoy helping students to develop their skills and excel in this subject.


First Year REK1A01 & REK1B01

I am a great tutor for Accounting because I can offer expertise in this area, and I was an accounting tutor at the University of Johannesburg. I understand how to assist students and help them navigate through the content.

Business courses

First Year - Second Year Business Information Systems, BIS2A01 & BIS2B01

I am a great tutor for Business Information Systems because this is one of my strongest subjects, and I can provide guidance and support to whoever I tutor. I am passionate about education and helping students reach their goals.


Priscilla will travel up to 15km from Fourways, Sandton, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“Priscilla was very professional from beginning to end. She is a true Tax Specialist, and understands the subject very well. Priscilla is very good at explaining content in a practical manner. She is well spoken which makes it easy to remain focused to her during the sessions. Priscilla definitely exceeded my expectations. ”
- Rebecca
“Priscilla was an excellent tutor. She helped me tremendously to understand concepts that I myself could not grasp. When I asked her questions, we went through the thinking process together teaching me how to approach questions. I walked out of my exam paper being grateful that I was tutored by Priscilla and that she helped me with the thinking process.”
- Makile
“Priscilla was the perfect tutor for me ! She was able to go through a lot of work thoroughly and quickly. ”
- Gemma
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