These are the Highest Quality Informatics Tutors in Willows, Bloemfontein. Get Informatics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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I have a Masters degree in Informatics from the University of Pretoria and more than 11 years IT lecturing experience in higher education (public and private institutions).
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211 Hours Tutored
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We were Coding using Visual Basic.
14 Hours Tutored
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I have completed my Masters and have been a lecturer at the University of Cape Town for up to 4th year students.
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I am able to teach the computer concepts in a fun and memorable manner, especially because it has so many foundation definitions in the syllabus of first year. I will cater to the learning style of each student, whether with pictures or rhymes.
29 Hours Tutored
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I have a diverse range of skills and experience that makes me well-equipped to assist you in your learning journey. With a background in various subjects including Computer Science, Mathematics, and Informatics, I can comprehensive support across multiple disciplines.
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25 Hours Tutored
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I have already tutored this course on my residence as the Head Tutor. It is one of the exciting and challenging courses that prepares students for the basic technical skills one will develop that will benefit them in the future.
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129 Hours Tutored
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Drawing from my extensive background in the higher education sector, I possess solid expertise in Informatics. My unwavering commitment lies in guiding students towards academic excellence and addressing their unique learning requirements with personalized assistance.
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I did a combination of Computer Science and Informatics over 3 years. In Informatics we covered more business applications, databases and solving real world problems
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48 Hours Tutored
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I have spent 2 years studying BCom Accounting Sciences at the University of Pretoria and have obtained distinctions for my Informatics modules.
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10 Hours Tutored
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I am extremely passionate about leveraging technology to improve business processes. I have used this skill very successfully as an Internal Audit and Risk Management professional for more than 14 years.
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