Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Gauteng. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Greenstone Hill, Johannesburg
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115 Hours Tutored
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And as Rachel Carson says, biology is like the history of the earth and its life; past, present, and future. So let's get you to understand all that history!
Tutor in Atholl, Sandton
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113 Hours Tutored
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Excited by biology's mysteries, I scored 81% in Life Sciences. My passion for animals fuels my teaching. Let's dive into the captivating world of life and science together!
Tutor in Honeypark, Roodepoort
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122 Hours Tutored
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I passed Core and Extended Science as well as Biology with an A and have taught it at high school level for 9 years
Tutor in Riviera, Pretoria
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149 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences is a subject that can be very difficult, but I feel I can help students improve their grades with my Medical knowledge and will to help.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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123 Hours Tutored
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I am currently studying Biochemistry and Microbiology. I have a love for anything biological related. I worked for Ampath for a week.
Tutor in Doornpoort, Pretoria
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151 Hours Tutored
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I obtained a distinction for my Biology module at university. I am very passionate about teaching and able to make Biology interesting and easily understandable. I usually go to my high school to tutor Life Sciences.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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163 Hours Tutored
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I am studying Medicine so I am still working on Biological concepts. I did Cambridge A-Level Biology as an extra subject and achieved a 65% for it.
Tutor in Barlow Park, Sandton
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117 Hours Tutored
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Since my high school years, I have always been passionate about bridging the gap between what is learnt in class and what the individual can understand on a deeper level. This is why I started tutoring Mathematics, Physical science, Life science and Accounting professionally last year.
Tutor in Pretoria Central, Pretoria
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113 Hours Tutored
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I was taught by the best, learning to be the best. Life sciences come naturally to me. Let's achieve those top marks together.
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