Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Gauteng. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Montana, Pretoria
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120 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about the natural environment and animals, so I really enjoyed and excelled at Life Sciences in high school. I am interested in pursuing a career in environmental journalism and completed my thesis in the field of science journalism.
Tutor in Waverley, Johannesburg
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86 Hours Tutored
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Dedicated BCMP student passionate about Biology, committed to providing engaging and student-focused lessons. Utilizing interactive exercises and tailored instruction, I aim to make learning both enjoyable and effective for every student.
Tutor in Parkview, Randburg
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87 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences was one of my favourite subjects in school! I am currently studying Health Sciences, and so I have completed a first year biology course, and will be continuing this in 2021. This allows me to have a very in-depth understanding of biology concepts that were covered in high school.
Tutor in Unitas Park, Vereeniging
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82 Hours Tutored
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I am studying in the medical and health sciences faculty, giving me a strong understanding of the subject. I have always enjoyed learning about biology, particularly with reference to the human body, and believe that I know how to guide students to reach their full potential and to love the work.
Tutor in Riversands, Johannesburg
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90 Hours Tutored
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I am a very patient tutor. I take my time with my students. I tutored Life Sciences when I was still a learner and I went to Wits University where I studied Biological Sciences. I have tutored Grade 12 at Dinoto Technical Secondary where we achieved 87% pass rate :)
Tutor in Protea North, Soweto
Tutor in Protea North, Soweto
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87 Hours Tutored
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I obtained distinctions for Life Sciences in high school and find the subject both intriguing and masterable. I am confident in my ability to break down concepts into manageable content and assist other learners to excel!
Tutor in Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion
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138 Hours Tutored
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I've tutored Bio for four years
Tutor in Quellerina, Roodepoort
100 Hours Tutored
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Many students find Biology difficult because of the diagrams and notes and functions which have a lot of detail, I often wish students had a passionate teacher like my own in high school.
Tutor in Atholl Gardens, Sandton
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89 Hours Tutored
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I have always found the human anatomy interesting and I would love to make it interesting to other children.
Tutor in Edenburg, Johannesburg
113 Hours Tutored
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As I have taken Biology as a school subject, I understand the content well and I am able to teach it properly with diagrams to help my students master the subject.
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