Highest Quality Physical Science IEB Tutors in Western Cape. Get Physical Science IEB Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science IEB tutorTutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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Well versed with projectile motions, chemical equilibrium and various other physical science topics that are often problematic. I am enrolled in a lab where Quantum and Classical mechanics and Faraday laws are often applied.
Tutor in Shady Glen, Cape Town
Tutor in Shady Glen, Cape Town
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I privately tutored Grade 11 Physical Science previously and I expanded on many concepts in first and second-year engineering. I can tutor both Chemistry and Physics.
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
Tutor in Woodstock, Cape Town
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Physical Science is tricky but with my help, we can navigate motion, balance equations and understand the balance between both Physics and Chemistry.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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I did Physical Science in my first year at university. I am specializing in Mechanical Engineering. I did various physics related courses which have improved my understanding of the concepts.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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I have helped many students during my matric year. I received a distinction (87%) in this subject and am studying a Bachelor of Business Science majoring in Finance with accounting at UCT
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