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Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I'm an avid learner and aspiring entrepreneur. I'm hard working and diligent, trying to help others where they struggle.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am proactive, goal driven and self motivated. I have an ability to convey information clear, concise, and in logical manner.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am a 4th year Electrical engineering student a TUKS. I have a passion for science, mathematics and all things electrical. I am a proud Golden Key member.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am motivated, passionate and enthusiastic. I believe that there is little that cannot be achieved through hard work and determination or explained with understanding and patience.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am a University of Pretoria graduate who has more than 7 years experience in the corporate sector.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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Hi! I am an avid bibliophile, lover of wisdom, and stargazer. I constantly want to know more and pass on what I know to others.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am a goal oriented person with strong passion for teaching and ability to pass my wealth of teaching experience in Engineering Science, Physics, Mathematics and Electronics to my students with ease.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I am a strong believer in continuously learning and expanding ones’ knowledge and leading a healthy balanced lifestyle. I have a tenacity to finish a project given to me to the best of my ability.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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My name is Benjamin Kambale. I am a student at Tshwane University of Technology where I study Civil Engineering. I show interest in reading and I love sharing my experience.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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I'm a highly critical thinker, not accepting anything at face value. I emphasise a well-rounded lifestyle, valuing sport, academics, relationships and faith as important factors in my life.
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