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Get a tutorTutor in Montshiwa Unit 2, Mahikeng
Tutor in Montshiwa Unit 2, Mahikeng
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I am a hard working woman who loves helping other people. I am humble, respectful and responsible.
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
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The love of science drove me to pursue an MSc degree in Agriculture. I love what I'm doing and teaching Science would be an honour.
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
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I am a self-driven young man. My hard work and determination makes me a top achiever across all spheres of my life.
Tutor in Leopard Park, Mahikeng
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62 Hours Tutored
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I am a determined woman whose goals in life include building a multinational company for plant-based hair and skin care products and helping others in the process. I am also ever ready to learn.
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
Tutor in Mmabatho Unit 5, Mahikeng
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I'm very passionate and patient. I love seeing the results after helping others meet their goals.
Tutor in Libertas, Mahikeng
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102 Hours Tutored
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I am a strong advocate for excellence and my goal is to deliver world-class education because I believe everyone deserves a chance to learn. I am a very liberal person who believes in diversity.
Tutor in Libertas, Mahikeng
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78 Hours Tutored
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I am a dedicated and committed individual who ensures that I effectively finish every task that I start. I am passionate about the things that I get involved in and I am very hard working.
Tutor in Mahikeng, North West
Tutor in Mahikeng, North West
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45 Hours Tutored
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I am a dexterous tutor passionate about imparting knowledge in the most dynamic ways. I am resilient and I can assure you of total comprehension under my guidance.
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6136 Hours Tutored
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Fervently devoted to imparting knowledge, a natural leader with exceptional organization. Results-oriented, possessing excellent communication skills, and effortlessly connecting with people.
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I am a female with a strong work ethic and an open mindset. I have been described as a very patient person who can explain concepts in various ways.
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