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Get a tutorTutor in Manors, Pinetown
Tutor in Manors, Pinetown
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I am a peaceful and caring individual who is passionate about learning. I am creative and thrive from human interactions.
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
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I am committed person who loves assisting others in their academic work. I am passionate about teaching and tutoring.
Tutor in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal
Tutor in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal
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I am a 3rd year BEd student at the UKZN Edgewood campus, who is passionate about helping others realise their full potential.
Tutor in Glen Park, Pinetown
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63 Hours Tutored
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I am both analytically and creatively inclined, which enables me to identify problems and find a unique solution. I enjoy helping and meeting new people.
Tutor in Sarnia, Pinetown
Tutor in Sarnia, Pinetown
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I am a young lady who takes pride not only in herself but in knowing that a life has been improved or changed because of my efforts. I am reserved in nature and would rather lead from the back.
Tutor in Nazareth, Pinetown
Tutor in Nazareth, Pinetown
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I am 26 years old, graduated from Durban University of Technology in BTech Public Relations Management and completed my TKT English studies with Cambridge University.
Tutor in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal
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262 Hours Tutored
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I am well organised and get along with my students. I set high but achievable standards for my students.
Tutor in Woodside, Pinetown
Tutor in Woodside, Pinetown
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I address unemployment by providing training & development to engineers to address the skill shortage amongst qualified professionals whom lack experience & has difficulty entering the corporate world
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
Tutor in Ashley, Pinetown
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I am a bubbly, enthusiastic and positive person. Who is constantly searching for avenues to grow.
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