Tutors in Salt River, Cape Town

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Lee-shay J

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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22 Hours Tutored

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I am a 4th-year medical student at UCT. I have always been passionate about learning and teaching others. Through tutoring, I hope to help students achieve the best that they possibly can.

English Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science
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Sinegugu S

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I am Sinegugu Shabalala from KwaZulu-Natal. I am 19 years old. I am in Medical school doing my second year in occupational therapy at the University of Cape Town.

Zulu Geography
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Simbarashe T

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I am a young, easy going but very motivated individual who is well spoken and quite a big sports fanatic. I am particularly big on swimming and rugby.

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Pamella S

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I have a good work ethic, motivated and am passionate. I have a desire to work with others and help them achieve their goals.

Anatomy Accounting Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Lynn B

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I am a dedicated, hard-working student with a passion to help others. I strive to always do my best, and encourage those around me to do the same.

English Afrikaans Chemistry Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Yandile M

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I am patient and great at ensuring that you understand the bigger picture. I am a disciplined person and I respect one's time.

Mathematics Physical Science
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Tiyani B

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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I am positive, goal driven, persistence and patient because I believe that's what you need to help a student.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Sbongiseni M

Tutor in Salt River, Cape Town

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15 Hours Tutored

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I am a third year student at the University of Cape town Majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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